“After a thorough investigation, including an extensive review of the medical literature, the Swedish investigation committee concluded that…”

I looked up and there he was, hammer in one hand, big shiny nail in the other, poised to deliver his first blow.

“Low-carb diets can be seen as compatible with scientific evidence and best practice for weight reduction for patients with overweight or type 2 diabetes.”


“25% of Swedes now eat low-carb and obesity in Sweden is decreasing.”


“Sweden had a butter shortage in 2011.”


Now I get why Dr. Dahlqvist’s smile was so big.

For nearly a decade I have recommended low-carb diets to my overweight and obese patients and have had the same results as Dr. Dahlqvist: Weight loss and improvement of metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and numerous other chronic conditions.

Although the evidence wasn’t new to me, discovering that things had improved so dramatically for an entire country was BIG news to me.

And it gave me hope that our medical system will finally retire the harmful low-fat dogma that was never based on science and recommend evidence-based low-carb diets as treatment for overweight and obese persons.

The story continues…

The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Healthcare—an independent governmental agency—spent two years examining the evidence for low-carb diets.

In October 2013 they issued their report: Dietary Treatment for Obesity: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

They concluded that low-carb diets are more effective than low-fat diets for reducing weight, lowering glucose levels, and improving cardiovascular risk markers.

For more details about this report, check out Dr. Eenfeldt’s blog.


Do you think it’s time to lower the coffin into the ground?

Please visit my blog and tell me what you think.

If you’ve had success with eating low-carb, I’d like to hear about your experience.